Vandoren BD5 13 Series Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece
The BD5 13 Series Bb Clarinet mouthpiece is the newest edition to Vandoren’s mouthpiece range tuned to 440Hz (widely known as American pitch) instead of the standard 442Hz. This altered tuning allows the Ebonite to resonate in a different way, resulting in mouthpiece that has a dark centered tone, channelling the sound of the Chedeville mouthpieces. With a completely different internal and external design from any of their other mouthpieces, the BD5 offers a full sound, with rich depth and colour.
To get this lowered tuning, Vandoren bore the inside of the mouthpiece out slightly wider. This modification has the ability to lower the pitch of your instrument slightly, which helps in creating the tonal differences and is also an advantage if you find yourself compensating for sharp tuning, avoiding the purchase of a longer barrel.
The BD5 13 Series has a profile 88 beak, which also adds to the comfort of this model and allows a greater scope for experimentation with playing position and air flow, which in turn can alter your overall sound.
A great flexible mouthpiece, that has answered a lot of peoples musical needs. With particular attention taken to perfecting the tone in the upper register, the BD5 13 Series offers the perfect balance between a dark and rich, yet compact sound. To go with its specific dimensions, the BD5 13 Series will work best with slightly stronger reed choices, between a 3-3.5+ (see recommendations below).
It plays with freedom and body, allowing you to get a rich depth of colour, especially in the upper register, whilst requiring less air. This model, is also available in a traditional finish, so if the 13 series isn’t quite right, then this would be great to try too.
With over 30 different models for Bb clarinet, Vandoren’s newest creation shows their motivation to make a mouthpiece for every clarinettists playing any style of music.
- CM1005
- Tip Opening – 113
- Facing Length - Medium
About Vandoren
Established in 1905 (Paris) and founded by clarinettist, Eugène Van Doren, Vandoren Paris are a world renowned brand specialising in clarinet and saxophone reeds, mouthpieces, ligatures and other accessories. Vandoren combine innovative designs with state of the art machinery (using engineering tolerance below 1/100th of a millimeter) to produce products of outstanding quality.
1. On arrival, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & adjusted in-store. This is essential as every instrument requires some attention after its long journey from the factory.
2. Once sold, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & regulated for a second time as the set-up can be affected by the new materials expanding & contracting according to environmental conditions.
3. New instruments purchased from us can be returned within a year for a FREE check over and adjustment.