Portnoy BP01 Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece
The last available stock from our supplier of these Legendary mouthpieces!
The BP01 is the closest available, tip opening and great for advancing students as well as any more developed players looking for a mouthpiece with a centered, more focused sound. The 0.47 opening is also great for players looking to use harder reeds but find their mor open mouthpiece doesn't allow them to.
1. On arrival, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & adjusted in-store. This is essential as every instrument requires some attention after its long journey from the factory.
2. Once sold, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & regulated for a second time as the set-up can be affected by the new materials expanding & contracting according to environmental conditions.
3. New instruments purchased from us can be returned within a year for a FREE check over and adjustment.