Clark Fobes San Francisco 10K Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece
SALE of new but unboxed, ex-display clarinet mouthpieces. Very limited stock and often only one of each model available.
The San Francisco 10K Bb clarinet mouthpiece is a model introduced as a celebration of Fobes’ work and marks his 10,000 mouthpiece sold over his 30 years in mouthpiece craftsmanship. Created from German rod rubber a more consistent product is created. The 10K series are designed for beauty of sound, response, resonance and excellent intonation does not disappoint and is a strong addition to the professional mouthpieces on the market.
The 10K series mouthpieces are manufactured by master craftsman Wesley Rice of Rice Clarinet Works. Offered in 6 different hand finished facings (CF, CF+, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L) this model from Fobes is a serious addition to the professional mouthpiece world.
About Clark W Fobes
Clark W Fobes began research into the art of mouthpiece design and hand finishing in 1986 after building his clarinet repair business as a parallel career to his performing career. Becoming the preeminent clarinet repair specialist in the San Francisco bay area in 1985 Fobes reputation for fine craftsmanship and expertise in clarinet acoustics drew clients from all over the US. Fobes launched his line of Debut mouthpieces for students which have become extremely popular in the US. In 2000 Fobes closed his repair business to devote his energies to hand crafting clarinet and saxophone mouthpieces and to manufacture his unique solid wood barrels and extensions for clarinet.
1. On arrival, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & adjusted in-store. This is essential as every instrument requires some attention after its long journey from the factory.
2. Once sold, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & regulated for a second time as the set-up can be affected by the new materials expanding & contracting according to environmental conditions.
3. New instruments purchased from us can be returned within a year for a FREE check over and adjustment.