Reed Geek Reed Tool
The ReedGeek "Universal" Reed Tool enhances reed performance by rapidly and accurately flattening reed tables. Other methods for flattening reed tables, are less effective, take longer and produce less consistent results.
With less than 10 minutes training, players will notice a dramatic improvement in efficiency (ease of sound production), sonic quality and responsiveness. Users of the tool will find more "good" reeds in a box. The reeds will perform longer and more consistently over their lifetime. The tool pays for itself by allowing the player to use a larger fraction of the reeds per box and lengthening the playing time of usable reeds
1. On arrival, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & adjusted in-store. This is essential as every instrument requires some attention after its long journey from the factory.
2. Once sold, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & regulated for a second time as the set-up can be affected by the new materials expanding & contracting according to environmental conditions.
3. New instruments purchased from us can be returned within a year for a FREE check over and adjustment.