Nuvo Clarineo - SPECIAL OFFER
We have a very small stock of some older Nuvo Instruments that are now superceded by the 2.0 designs.
These older Clarineos utilise a slightly different mouthpiece and ligature design, as well as some other minor differences, but play just as well and easily as the newer designs.
Grab a great starter instrument for a good price!
- Constructed from lightweight polymer resins
- 3 Parts
- Fully chromatic (range of 3+ octaves)
- Suitable for jazz and classical music
- Easy to assemble
- Mouthpiece incorporates O Ring seals
- Durable silicone rubber pads
- Bell incorporates a simple bayonet fitting
- Durable Suitable for beginners
- 100% Waterproof
- Nuvo instruments are a British innovation and expertly crafted in China
- For use with Eb Clarinet cane and synthetic reeds
1. On arrival, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & adjusted in-store. This is essential as every instrument requires some attention after its long journey from the factory.
2. Once sold, every Clarinet & Flute is checked & regulated for a second time as the set-up can be affected by the new materials expanding & contracting according to environmental conditions.
3. New instruments purchased from us can be returned within a year for a FREE check over and adjustment.